January is built from celebrity birthdays, moments in history, and suggestions from online friends.

February's theme is love in all its forms: obsessive, selfless, filial, romantic, maternal, fraternal, platonic, erotic, and everything in between.

March is a march of unusual holidays.

April is full of fools, foolish acts, and memorable uses of the words "fool" and "foolish".

May the Force be with you.

June. Moon. Spoon. Rhyming these words are seen as a lazy songwriter's crutch, so my friends contributed as many rhymes for June as they could think of. There are more than seventy represented here.

July is my vision of America: roadside attractions, bizarre world records, natural wonders, and historic locations that make this country a multifaceted and breathtaking place. 188 facts about the country are represented.

August is a menagerie of fictional creatures from mythology and cryptozoology.

September features tattoos and more than 100 other "T" words, including a tongue-tied Terry Thomas, Toni Tennille with a trident, and a Tralfamadorian.

October was created by following prompts from "Drawlloween" for the patrons, and suggestions from friends for the Sardi's-Style portraits on the wall.

November was actually the first month I drew and is themeless. An online set of prompts led to an eclectic image, but I was thrilled to be drawing every day and figuring out how to make a whole from 30 parts.

December was 100% crowd sourced from friends and family, with my prompt to list things they like about December.